Sunday 10 February 2008

Because she showed me in the dark, and again in the light

And because Martin Marriott asked to see when she did show me

1 comment:

martin marriott said...

So, she's not quite as coy as I assumed from the first picture. Or, perhaps she is a tree-maiden "of infinite variety." Thanks, Paul! Not that you've calmed me down. I now have quite the wild porno movie going on in my head. Cameras, roll!

I hope she gets around a little. ie, to Seattle. If she does, you'll be the first to know, and I'm sure we surrealists will be willing to share. It's clearly an endangerous species.

Incidentally, I've heard there are some down in California that you can drive a car through.

p.s. I love that little intimate zone where the dick and the tree fuse together.