Thursday, 31 January 2008

Monday, 28 January 2008

Mojo Intactus

Dragging octogenarian priapism
Through rustling skirts of grass
He chatters with stilted birds,
Their eyes like marbles,
As they crawl and scratch
At tracks worn into the wet sand
By trailing, distended, sparkling testicles.
Animals come, speaking human tongues
Too fast to be understood,
And invent music to play on eggshells.

after seeing Desmond Morris' birthday exhibition

Friday, 18 January 2008

Babeuf's Testament

"When people come to dream again of the means of procuring for humanity the happiness that we proposed, you will be able to search through these notes and present to all the disciples of Equality - what the corrupt men of today call my dreams".
- Gracchus Babeuf (1760-1797)

Friday, 11 January 2008

A Dream-Poem

They pulled back the screen
Welcoming me to the darkness beyond.
I was fixed to my bed
With air the colour and texture of putty
by the ghosts out of the machine

(9th-10th January)

Tuesday, 1 January 2008

A bulging spam hamper

This, with the accompanying festive message, was my christmas gift from the Androids of Tara. And who said generosity of spirit was dead?

a special day. Perhaps Soross most distinctive feature, the trait that explained his I sat in his office when he made decisions about hundreds of millions
I was putting my money where my mouth was and I could not 76 Putting My Money Where My Mouth Was feel of the market. Soros used the technique only occasionally, and at
Develop a thesis, weltanschauung, a worldview, not tainted too much by the intricacies no attempt to say those things. They knew better. He wasnt about to