Monday 6 August 2007

Democratic rights & pinions

BAA have been granted leave to ban climate protesters from Heathrow Airport. They originally sought to ban members of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, and members of that dangerous radical sect the National Trust. BAA can now call in police against any bird attempting to fly across the runway at Terminal 4. Pictures of this curlew have been circulated, but it is believed to be still at large.

BAA were not allowed to proceed with their original plans to bar everybody from going to Heathrow ever. Judges announced that this would only serve the environmentalist cause BAA were opposing, by preventing people from travelling on the Tube. The National Trust, meanwhile, have pledged that they never wanted to storm the Winter Palace at all, they merely wanted to preserve it for the nation and open a tea-shop.

1 comment:

martin marriott said...

I think George Melly just fainted.

and the title is, I think, superb. Truly floorless.